Clips on 'drugs'

Andrew Doesn't Smoke Weed or Drink; Adrenaline Is His Drug of Choice

1:57 · Dr. Andrew Hubermans Path to Fame, Money, and Total Human Optimizationview episode


Derek From More Plates More Dates Reacts to Kids Taking Ozempic

2:18 · Derek From More Plates More Dates: His +$100M Business Empire, Bryan Johnson & TRTview episode


Why Derek From More Plates More Dates Is Considering Starting a Compounding Pharmacy

3:04 · Derek From More Plates More Dates: His +$100M Business Empire, Bryan Johnson & TRTview episode


Want the Olympics Without Drug Testing? Watch the Enhanced Games in December 2024

5:36 · Shaan Goes to LA, The Number 2 Guy Network and Getting Bucked Upview episode


Martin Shkreli Exposed the Realities of Drug Discovery

1:07 · #139 - The Rise of "Clout" Kitchens, Why Martin Shkreli is a Rockstar, and a $100m Acquisitionview episode
