Morgan Housel
Morgan Housel
Top Moments

Whether $100K or $100M, You'll Always Compare Your Net Worth to That of Your Peers

2:21 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Does Morgan Have a Net Worth Threshold Where He'll Stop Worrying About Money?

2:34 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


The 'Right Answer for Everyone' Doesn't Exist in Personal Finance

0:46 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Following His Hit Book, 'The Psychology of Money', Morgan Wrote 'Same as Ever'

0:47 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Earning Average Returns (~6%) for 50 Years Puts You in the Top 1% of Investors

3:25 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


What Do 9/11, Lehman Brothers Collapsing, & COVID Have in Common? No One Saw Them Coming

3:10 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Why Morgan Housel Doesn't Have Financial Goals

2:34 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Morgan Housel Worries Population Decline Will Hinder Economic Growth

1:47 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Is Japan's Shrinking Population the Reason for Its Lack of Innovation?

2:18 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


81 of Warren Buffett's $84 Billion Came After His 65th Birthday

1:15 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Morgan Housel Recommends Reading 'The Splendid in the Vile' & 'No Ordinary Time'

2:10 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


The Warren Buffet vs. Bill Perkins Money Philosophy: Which Is Superior?

2:38 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


There Are Likely More Billionaire Authors Than Billionaire Professional Athletes

1:27 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


The Premise of Morgan's Book, 'Same as Ever': Find What Doesn't Change & Bet on That

2:42 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Morgan Thinks Money Buys Reduction of Anxiety, Not Happiness

1:25 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode


Sam Parr on Warren Buffett: 'He's Definitely an Asshole'

2:56 · The Investment Strategy To Build Generational Wealth (ft. Morgan Housel)view episode
