Mike Maples
Mike Maples
Top Moments

Mike Maples Learns from Others But Never Imitates

0:37 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Great Startup Founders Are Time Travellers

1:07 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Thinks Balaji Srinivasan Has a Great Understanding of Cloud Culture

2:13 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Moved from Austin, Texas to Marin County in Northern California

0:32 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples' Advice for Startups: Force a Choice, Not a Comparison

3:33 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Cloud Culture Lets People Broadcast Their Comparative Advantage to the World

3:44 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Is a Rocket Fuel Salesman for Founders

3:50 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Shaan Puri Admires Mike Maples' Focus, Clarity, & Insight

0:44 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Combine Skills, Passions, & What the Network Values for Career Success

1:19 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Doesn't Think Startups Are Companies

1:04 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Future Successful Media Companies Will Niche Down & Own Their Comparative Advantage

2:35 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Floodgate Developed Mental Models for Startup Investing

2:04 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Invests in Software-Defined, Network-Centric Companies

3:07 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Thinks Reid Hoffman, Andy Rachleff, & Chris Sacca Would Make Great MFM Guests

1:39 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Shaan Puri Reflects on His Podcast With Pomp, 'The Solo-capitalist Starter Pack'

0:48 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Thinks 2020 Was the First Real Year of the 21st Century

1:13 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Bitcoin, Ethereum, & r/WallStreetBets Are Examples of Cloud Cultures

0:48 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Predicts the Future of Company Formation: A Network of Nodes

3:40 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Being a Rule-Following 'Organization Man' Won't Get You Anywhere in the 2st Century

0:36 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Tim Ferriss Takes Investing Advice from 3 People: Naval, Scott Belsky, & Mike Maples

1:03 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Office Culture Is Transitioning Into Cloud Culture

0:54 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Like GitHub & Figma, Almanac.io Facilitates Asynchronous Collaborative Work

2:22 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Thinks Many People Misunderstand Stoicism

0:56 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Thinks Blockchains Are the Next Wave of Computing

1:16 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


If Forced to Start a Company, Mike Would Do Something With Blockchains

0:17 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Looks for Founder-Future Fit

0:50 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Society Ebbs & Flows Between Centralization & Decentralization

2:03 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Recommends 'The Courage to Be Disliked' & Alfred Adler's Writing

1:53 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples: The Crazy Uncle from Oklahoma

0:55 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


When Investing in Risky Startups, Having Partners to Bounce Ideas Off of Is Beneficial

1:17 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples' Comparative Advantage: Being the Best VC for Early-Stage Founders

1:11 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Startups Go Through a Breakthrough Sequence: Insight -> Product -> Growth

0:41 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


A Startup Founding Team Is Like a Jazz Band

1:20 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Shaan Puri Is Impressed With Mike Maples' Podcast, 'Staring Greatness'

1:23 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Mike Maples Encourages Founders to Ride Inflection Waves

0:50 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Why Startups Shouldn't Tackle Existing Markets

1:36 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode


Shane Parrish Recorded His Podcast With Mike Maples Via Zencastr

0:40 · #191 with Mike Maples - 4 Big Trends and $0 to $1 Billion Startup Idea Frameworksview episode
