Dan Held
Dan Held
Top Moments

Shaan Puri Thinks the Bitcoin Laser Eyes Meme Is Genius

1:19 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Startup Idea: What Happens to Your Crypto After You Die?

1:59 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Lends Out His Bitcoin to Earn Yield Via BlockFi, Ledn, & Genesis Trading

0:31 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Hit 25K Subs on YouTube in 6 Months

0:37 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Speculates Satoshi Nakamoto's Identity: 50% Hal Finney, 30% Nick Szabo, 20% NSA

4:01 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Isn't Concerned About Tether as a Black Swan Risk for Bitcoin

5:07 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Why Building a Business in the Crypto Space Is Incredibly Difficult

1:32 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Describes the Early 2013 San Francisco Bitcoin Meetups

3:03 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Recognized Bitcoin's Potential in 2012

1:16 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Is an OG in the Crypto Space

1:00 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Someone Copied Lambda School's Website & Made a Meme University

1:36 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held's Average Bitcoin Cost Basis: $10-100

1:04 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held's Idea for a Simple Crypto Wallet

1:37 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Knows 10 Crypto Billionaire

1:00 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held's Business Idea: A Private Wealth Service for Crypto Billionaires

2:10 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


>100% of Dan Held's Net Worth Is in Bitcoin

0:39 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Creators Are Accruing More Value from Platforms Like Twitter

2:09 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Private Wealth Managers Have No Idea How to Service Crypto Millionaires

1:47 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Founded ZeroBlock & Sold It to Blockchain.com

2:24 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held's Twitter Hacks for Boosting Engagement & Growing a Massive Audience

3:32 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


James Altucher Sold His Crypto Newsletter for $16M

1:34 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Satoshi Nakamoto's Genesis Block Message: 'UK Chancellor on the Verge of Second Bailout for Banks'

1:13 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Views the Creator Economy as the Monetization of All Human Information

1:16 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held's Favorite Income Sources: His YouTube Channel & Newsletter

2:18 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan, Sam, Shaan Speculate How Much Anthony Pompliano Makes from His Personal Brand

2:09 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Kraken Pays for Dan Held's Security Guards at Conferences

3:03 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode


Dan Held Used Bitcoin's Most Popular Memes to Propagate His Content

0:51 · #196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideasview episode
